Please Save Ismail Mirza Jan From Deporting To The Land of Bloodshed!

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A message from Basir Ahang journalist and human rights activist in Italy:

Unfortunately Australian government decided to deport the asylum seeker Ismail Mirzajan back to Afghanistan; he is a Hazara asylum seeker who has arrived to Australia in February 2010. He fled Afghanistan as a teenager, in 2001, after the killing of his father by the Taliban. His previous claims for asylum had been rejected by the United Kingdom and Ireland. Actually Mirzajan is in a high security at Villawood Immigration Detention Centre in Sydney.

On Saturday 19 November, he will be deported back to the hell called Afghanistan from where he had escaped away to survive and live.

The situation in Afghanistan is very clear to every one like a sunny day. The Hazaras are not safe in this country and they are being targeted very badly almost everyday; anywhere they are captured by the fundamentalists and extremists, they are being executed quickly.

In an interview Mirzajan said: “if I go to Kabul, I’m going to be dead in my country. I have no one to protect me. I have no friends there. No family there. So how can I live, relocating to Kabul?”
As a member of Hazara people I ask the Australian Government to review the case of Ismail Mirzajan in order to avoid a wrong decision that could put his life in danger.

Finally I want to thank the advocates, the human rights organizations, the Australian Greens and the Australian citizens that have paid their attention and have voiced for the favor of Mirzajan’s case.
If you are interested to support this helpless asylum seeker, you can sign this appeal and send it back to me via e-mail with your name, surname and position.

Best Regards

Basir Ahang
Email: br.ahang at

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  1. turkman boy

    if they deport ismail mirza jan from AUS to afghanistan it means they dont care about the ppl who hes life is in denger as they no everyday al the chanel news > satelight all talkning about afghanistan everdys ppl die for nothing . if some1 hv problem cant sstay there (afg) how they gonna deport them and they talking always about humman right .then where is ur humann right ? this world is like if u hav something u can be some1 if u dont hav u cant be live :

  2. anwar

    hello every1 i am anwar from Ireland as i know ismail from Ireland hes life is in danger as i know much about him thas why he’s runing to finde a safe place . adn also it’s not legle to deprot som1 by forceing if there is humman right. nd if ther is no humman right they can do wht ever they wanto such afghanistan . anwar (Ireland)

  3. HAZARA Girl

    Australian Government talks about humanity,,,, so letz make it and as me my self having the experince living in afghanistan as a hazara girl i am sure if afghanistan was safe we woulnot bother our self to come to australia,,,sending ismail back to afghanistan is just taking his life….. im sur australian governmnt understands this.

  4. Alexander McRae, Sydney

    Fantastic reforms to asylum seeker processing announced by Minister Bowen, due to our campaign for Ismail I am sure! But a terribly unfavourable story on the front page of Saturday’s Daily Telegraph. I believe it is time for the Australian activist community to leave off lobbying the Government and start lobbying the ill-informed Australian public. My comment just posted to Daily Telegraph website: “Australia has committed under the 1951 Refugee Convention to providing safe haven for people with “a fear founded fear of persecution” due to factors including ethnicity. That means for example, not sending civilians back to Afghanistan where they face grave risk of being executed, simply due to their recognisable Hazara ethnic features. Like poor Ismail Mirza Jan for example. Most Hazaras have fled Afghanistan already, but there is a genocide going on against them by Pashtuns in Quetta and Balochistan in neighouring Pakistan – just google it. Australia is a humane, humanitarian country – or used to be anyway. Surely we should protect individuals who come seeking protection, rather than send them back to their deaths. The Hazaras from Afghanistan are fleeing fundamentalist Islamic terrorism, which we are supposed to be fighting. Surely protecting innocent civilian victims should be part of our fight against terrorism.”

  5. ali

    we are all requesting the Australian Government to consider Ismail’s case and let him remain in the country in any way possible.

  6. Madeleine Kingston

    My sincere wishes for Ismail’s safety, and many others facing uncertainity.

    Ismail faces a gruelling experience once again before the Courts, Directions Hearing in January. Many are concerned for his safety and that of all #Hazara people.

    I have an affinity with those who have served detention as a barbaric and unjustified deterrence measure and were fortunate to be granted citizenship. For those who see no light at the end of the tunnel yet my thoughts go out to them.

    It is impossible to know what the outcome will be of Ismail’s appeal, but it represents more than an attempt to secure safety of a single man of n ethnic background that has suffered #genocide torture and persecution for centuries.

    This matter goes to the heart of upholding the #ruleoflaw and international obligations that are treated with such disdain by many who voluntarily entered into such Treaties undertaking to protect those in need of protection.

    Australia’s #humanrights record plummets with each story we hear about.

    Kind regards

    Madeleine Kingston (skylark100AU1 Twitter)

  7. peter rafferty

    Come on Aussie! Come on!

  8. Zac

    everyone knows that Hazara people in afghanistan are being descrimated and prosecuted at the past and now so why these people has to be send in a country that is not safe at all.

    This government is sucks becz they party and themselves can differentiate between human and cows while this government could provide protection for cows (baned the live export of cows to indoinsia) and they can provide a safe place for ahuman being to stay here and be safe for

  9. Colin Mitchell

    It is shocking that the Australian government can stoop so low as to do this. There is a callous disregard for the welfare of asylum seekers by both sides of politics in this country (Greens excepted) because political considerations take priority. This extends obviously to putting people in danger of torture and death. Shame on you Chris Bowen and shame on the Labor Party. You will be known in history as a worthy successor to Philip Ruddock. I think however this will backfire on the Labor Party because the public will not like it. Perhaps then politicians will be forced to take a more compassionate approach. I appeal to progressives in Labor raise their voices at the coming national conference. This is intolerable inhumanity which undercuts the moral standing of the party.

  10. Piero Consentino

    I sign the appeal as I would do in any case of forced deportation

  11. Amelia

    Ismail is a dear friend of mine who I visit in Villawood Detention Centre every week. Myself and other friends of Ismail will not stop fighting for the safety of this kind, gentle, peaceful, and beautiful man. Don’t let Ismail be deported to danger!!!

  12. Di Shelley

    We are praying for the safety of Ismail and all Hazara peoples