Afghan police shooting to kill ethnic minority in Kabul

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Robert Maier
Breaking news from Kabul today informs us that a demonstration by men, women and children to call attention to the violence being perpetrated against the Hazara people turned bloody, with several shot to death, allegedly through indiscriminate firing into the crowd by Afghan police. The large Hazara community in West Kabul has been closed off by police.

a Hazara guy who killed in Kabul by pashton kuchi taliban

This is the latest in a string of anti-Hazara attacks that began earlier in the summer with Kuchi insurgents attacking Hazara in the traditional Hazara area of Bamiyan. Thousands of Hazara were forced to flee the area, their homes were looted, and many of those left behind were beaten or killed.The Hazara are known for having a much more progressive culture than the Pashtuns who run the Afghan government, including Afghan president Hamid Karzai and most of his cabinet ministers. For example, the Hazara promote the education of women, welcome foreigners, support free choice in marriage, freedom of speech, performance of music and dance, and peaceful discussion and demonstration over violence.
Drol Aman kabul after the attack by kuchi Taliban on Hazaras

More details about the massacre, including more photos and videos will be posted on soon.

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  1. 123

    this is unacceptable that Kuchi, taliban or poshtun people are doing to Hazaraz peopl. they want to kill all Hazaraz people and destroy them. this is a huge descrimination against ethnics.

  2. shahadad hussain changezi

    hey mardoom hazara chara ami hazara da afghanistan har roz kushta mesha, charake afghanistan az awal az hazara mardum boodak wa yaaalib karzai mekhaya da zire kochi haa hazara ra chuchakush kana..